Best selling food items

Best 20 Kirana Store Items Which Have More Sales

Hey there, aspiring business tycoons and new entrepreneurs! If you’re thriving in the world of grocery stores, congratulations on boarding this exciting journey. Operating a Kirana store isn’t just about filling shelves with lots of items; it’s about knowing your customers, understanding their needs, following trends, and, of course, increasing profits. And one of the keys to success in the retail business is knowing what products to stock. So, let’s talk about the best 20 Kirana store items that have more sales and can take your business to the next level. 


What Are The Best Kirana Store Items with High-Profit Margin?

Most Kirana stores suffer from low-profit margins, hence filling your store with high-profit items can be your go-to option. If you are unable to decide which Kiran store items have more sales, then this guide will help you. Here we have curated the list of 20 Kirana store items that will help you increase sales and make a huge amount of profit. Let’s explore:


1.     Cheese:

When it comes to the most profitable grocery items, cheese comes to the top of the list. It is high in demand and used in a variety of recipes. So, we highly recommend you keep cheese in your store. There are a variety of cheeses available in the market hence you can easily pick the best ones. However, make sure to provide top-notch quality cheese to customers as people are giving more importance to quality. There are famous cheese brands that claim that their cheese is of good quality cheese so try to sell such products at your store.


  1. Aromatic Rice:

Due to its fluffy texture and fragrance, aromatic rice is huge in demand. They come in a wide variety, but basmati and jasmine are people’s first choice. Also, they are great for both professional chefs and home cooks. Aromatic rice is one of the most demandable and profitable grocery items in India. So, if you want to increase the value and profit of your store, then don’t forget to add aromatic rice to your store’s stock. 


  1. Dry Fruits:

As dry fruits are rich in nutrients and have various health benefits, they are consumed by most people in India. Not only that, but Indian sweet recipes are also incomplete without dry fruits such as raisins, cashews, almonds, and so on. Also, they are used in baking to add crunch and flavor. So, it is highly profitable to add dry fruits to the list of your grocery store items. 


  1. Millets:

Today people are becoming fitness freaks and want to add healthy and nutritious foods to their diets. And when it comes to nutritious and gluten-free food, nothing can be better than millet. So, millets are surging in popularity day by day and are in huge demand. From mouthwatering porridge to healthy snacks, millets are widely used by many fitness freaks in India. 


  1. Honey:

Honey is not only known for its health benefits but is also popular for skincare. And that’s why honey is always on the grocery list of consumers. So, if you want to improve your customer base then you must add honey to your stocks. Also, you can keep organic products made from honey to improve your sales. 


  1. Tea & Coffee:

Tea and coffee play a crucial role in every Indian’s life. In fact, we can say that morning and evening is incomplete without tea & coffee. And that’s why the consumption of tea & coffee is very high in India. So, it is highly recommended to incorporate tea and coffee into the list of your Kirana store items. This will not only help you in earning a huge amount of profit but also help in attracting more and more customers. 


  1. Spices:

What makes Indian cuisine flavorful and authentic? Well, the answer is spices. India is the hub of spices and plays a crucial role in making Indian cuisine tasty. Indians never compromise with taste and their kitchens are always choked with species. So, as a grocery store owner, you should always keep spices like cumin, cinnamon, and turmeric on top of the list. 


  1. Dairy Products:

From yogurt to milk, dairy products are always in demand. They become a basic need of every person and that’s why they are always marked as profitable items. So,  if you want to achieve the target of more and more customers, then you need to save one section for dairy products at your Kirana store. 


  1. Pulses:

There is no need to mention that pulses are good sources of protein and packed with lots of nutrients. And that’s the reason they are the main ingredient of every Indian kitchen. Also, they come in a wide variety such as chana, rajma, chickpeas, arhar, and so on. So, if you own a Kirana store then you must add pulses to your Kirana store items. 


  1. Sugar:

Whether for baking items or sweetening drinks, sugar always remains a crucial Kirana item. With options varying from natural alternatives to traditional sugar, consumers always prefer to buy them. 


11.  Snacks:

Chocolate, chips, and nuts are not only the favourite items of kids, but youngsters are also mad for snacks. Snacks are perfect for satisfying post-meal cravings and that’s why they are high in demand. Also, they are super delicious and perfect to get a quick energy boost. So, don’t forget to add snacks to the list of your grocery store items. 


  1. Frozen Foods:

Frozen foods are also considered as the best profit-maker items for the grocery store. While they provide the same comfort as readymade foods, they have a long life and less loss. So, if you really want to make a huge amount of profit, make sure to offer a wide range of frozen foods such as fruits, parathas, frozen meals, and so on to your customers. 


  1. Cosmetics And Body Care:

These days people prefer to buy almost every possible thing under one roof, so make sure to provide cosmetics and body care products like soap, body wash, toothpaste, and so on to your customers. By providing these products you will not only improve your customer base but will also make more profit. Also, body care and cosmetics have long shelf lives so you can easily keep them in bulk. 


  1. Hardware:

Keeping hardware items including batteries, hammers, nails, and lightbulbs can help you in taking your store business to the next level. All these products are used in every household and that’s why keeping them in your store can be profitable. It will not only increase your sales but also help you in attracting more and more customers. 


  1. Cereal:

Cereal is also considered as the profitable markup in the Kirana store item list. Today many people have cereals in their breakfast as they are light and packed with lots of nutrients. Also, they have prolonged shelf-life so you can easily provide a sound supply of cereal in your store. 


  1. Bottled Water:

With a consistent demand and prolonged shelf-life, bottled water is also one of the highest markups in grocery items. So, make sure to add bottled water to your grocery item list to make your Kirana business profitable.


  1. Stationery:

Stationary items including pens, notebooks, and other stationery items are in demand whole, especially during the back-to-school season. So, adding stationary items to the Kirana store can be profitable for you. 


  1. Bread and Eggs:

Breakfast staples like bread and eggs are also considered as the best seller, especially on weekends and mornings. So, you should also provide fresh and good quality bread and eggs to your customers. This will not only boost your sales but also help you in making more and more profit. 


  1. Soft Drinks:

Soft drinks and beverages are also considered the most profitable items. So, you should never avoid them if you want to boost your sales. 


  1. Cleaners and Detergents:

Detergents and cleaners including dishwashing liquid, laundry detergents household cleaners and so many more also play an important part in household items. And that’s why they are one of the most selling items. So, you should add them to your store to boost sales. 


Now you have the list of the 20 most profitable Kirana store items, so what are you waiting for? Go ahead and start your Kirana store now. However, if you are facing difficulty in starting your grocery then franchising a store can be your go-to option. There are so many top supermarkets in India that offer franchises to beginners, so you can also get support from them. You can also opt for a foco model franchise if you don’t want to take help from big brands. 


Wrapping Up:

Don’t forget that, stocking all the above-mentioned items is just the first step. To improve profitability, you also need to pay attention to customer preferences, monitor inventory levels, and stick to new trends. You also need to build strong relationships with your customers and give them excellent service to make more and more profit and to ensure the success of your Kirana store for years to come. Hopefully, this guide will help you in selecting Kirana store items. So what are you looking for? Start your journey now. However, before starting your journey make sure to consider some factors such as location, size of store, target audience, and so on. 


Wanna know more about retail grocery stores? If yes, then you can visit our site as here you can find multiple guides on supermarkets and franchises,


Thanks for reading!

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